August 29, 2010


Had a great weekend. Cousin Caleb came over Saturday morning and stayed until Sunday morning. Kane loves getting play with Caleb. We got out the tent and then they took all the pillows in the house and played on them. They laugh like crazy. They also enjoy jumping on the couch which should be a no no but I love to watch them giggle. We went to Great Grandma Dorthy's 89th b-day party. The kids had a blast. They played at the park, I took Kane and Caleb to see the turtles, they had a water fight, and walked to the indian. They were totally wiped out. Kane fell asleep before we even got out of the park and Caleb crashed right when we got home. Both took 3 hour naps. Then we got up and had pizza and ice cream and played out side. It was a great night.
Sunday morning we got up and took Kane to the zoo. He loved the penguins and rooster. He is always making a rooster sound. So he was a bit shocked when he saw one in person and it did it's thing. He didn't want to leave it. He was just mesmerized by it. He loved the aquarium. Although he was a bit startled when the stingrays came toward him. He ran. But man did he love running by the penguins. He ran up and down the glass and it looked like they were chasing him. We rode on the train and Kane started falling asleep. I looked over and his eyes were closed. But he fought it. We were there over 3 hours and didn't even get through half the zoo. It was alot of fun.

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