November 5, 2011

Halloween fun

This is the 1st year where Kane has really dressed up and known what was going on. We had fun. On Wednesday night we went to Eagle Raceways for a free kids night. It was fun. Caleb, Joshua, Collin, Angie, and Benjamin joined us. We played games and went through a haunted house. Kane loved the haunted house. We went through twice and he said again. He got to ride a bus for the first time and loved it. He did pin the nose on the Pumpkin and got it right on.
Thursday night we went to Mema's job to trick or treat. The residents seemed so happy to see the kids. It was nice. Kane got lots of candy and even ice cream. He was a happy little guy.
Friday night was his party at school. He wasn't really in the mood for a party. He did finally play a game and get his face painted but it was an early night.
Saturday Kane went to Miss Rashelle's house for the evening and mommy and Aunt Angie went to the big haunted houses. It was a blast. Even got to ride a crazy bus and on the back of a monster truck. And Kane had a blast with Rashelle. He told me he loves her. Awww his first crush.
Sunday daddy and Kane carved the pumpkin. Kane thought it was cool but didn't care too much for all the goop inside.
On Halloween we decided to do the HyVee event. They gave out tons of good stuff. We then came home and handed out candy. I think Kane had more fun doing that then trick or treating himself. He was very generous with the candy and we ended up giving most of his away.
It was a great week.

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