June 26, 2010

Crazy Week

Well I lost my job this week. Kind of crazy cause I really liked the lady and I got a great review two days before. She has some issues so I guess I am glad I am out of there. Been doing papers while Angie is in California. Already lost 4 lbs. But man getting up at 3am is tough. Only 3 days to go.
Last night we went to Chris' company picnic. It was fun. They have a buffet for the adults and kids. And they had a bunch of balls, Frisbees, and bubbles for the kids. That was cool. Kane loved the bluegrass band. He just kept staring at them. It was neat to see him taking it in. They had some fun with it also and started playing kids songs.
It was about 95 degree's. So it was a bit warm. Kane found some ice and boy did he have fun. That kid has something with ice and coolers. We tried to get him to stand in it but he kept pulling up his feet. Then when we would get it on his hands it would get cold and he would start slapping his hands trying to get it off. It was entertaining.

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