April 13, 2010

Busy weekend

Kane had a busy and exciting weekend. Saturday we went to Cousin Krissy & Kevin's house to play with Kole and Kanon. We picked up Cousin Caleb along the way. They all had alot of fun. Caleb loved going for a ride in the 4 wheeler thingy. He was grinning from ear to ear. Kane was just happy to be outside. They tore up the house and then we went to see the baby cow Katie. She was a cute little thing. Kane wasn't to sure about her. He was really tired by then. But he warmed up to her and pet her a bit. Caleb only made it about 2 minutes into the drive before he was snoring away. Kane little stinker cried most of the way home and then fell asleep as we turned on our street. He has been trying to get his last two teeth in and not enjoying it.

Sunday we went to Grandma's for a cook out. It was alot of fun. Mathew, Nikki, Angie, & the boys came out. Kane and Joshua are really starting to play together good. Kane even shared his tater chips with him. (Angie didn't like that) Kane and Caleb had alot of fun playing with little cars and running up and down the doggy ramp on the back steps. We had a little bbq. Although Kane decided he would rather sample the doggy poo. He didn't care for it. Spit it out. After dinner. Collin, Nikki, Chris, & Mathew played WII. After they were done Kane thought he would get in on the action. He likes to copy everything daddy does now.

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