October 19, 2009

Kane turned the big #1 on Saturday!

We had Kane's b-day party at Lost In Fun. That place is awesome. If you ever need a place for a party they are really good. I think all the kids had a good time. The adults loved the bouncy slides. It was a lot of fun. It was nice that almost everyone could make it. Mom was sick and told to stay away from people for 48 hours and Chris' parents couldn't make it up. They are coming up in two weeks. But it was great having the great grandma's there and all the little ones. I think it was a success. Kane didn't really care about the gifts to much until we got home. My friend Camille came up from Georgia and joined us and that was great. Kane loves her and she was a really good friend when I was pregnant. I miss her. We tried to take Kane and Kaleb to the pumpkin patch in Gretna on Sunday and it was unsuccessful. Apparently that is a great pumpkin patch. It took us 2 hours to go 2 miles. We finally gave up. I was bummed for the boys but I don't think they were to upset.

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