April 12, 2009

Rough Start To Easter

We had to take Kane to the doctor this morning. I thought he was teething ealier in the week but he started getting worse. He didn't sleep the last two nights because he couldn't breathe. Then last night he started crying but kept his eyes closed because the poor little guy was so tired. We were up all night. He was coughing really bad. All sorts of stuff coming out. He sounded horrible. He had a fever of 101 so I figured it was time to go in. Our pediatrician office has a doctor there 7 days a week so we went in this morning. He had a bad infection in his left ear and his lymph nodes were swollen. His throat was also red. They gave him some ear drops to try and help the discomfort and some antibiotics and decongestant. He is finally sleeping so hopefully it is helping a little.

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