January 6, 2009


Kane has gone to daycare two days now. They said he is doing really good. He just hates to be changed for some reason. Can't figure out why he cries. At home he loves to be on the changing table. He laughs. But he hasn't been spitting up very bad the last couple days. I think the old ladies at daycare have the touch. They have a TV in the nursery that plays baby Einstein non-stop. So I am sure he likes that. He loves TV.
I got home and was sick. Somehow I ended up with an intestine infection. Dr said usually it comes from a urinary track or bladder infection but I had neither of those. I was having some of the worst pains I have felt in my life. Doctor thought it was funny to come in and tell me I was pregnant. That would have been BAD! He would have been treating Chris and I for heart attacks. But he gave me 3 meds and I seem to be feeling better. It was nice to go back to work. But there is alot for me to do. I guess that makes the days go faster.

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