December 21, 2008

Kane 8 week visit

Kane had his checkup on Thursday. Dr. said he is a big boy. He weighed 13lbs 6ozs and is 24 inches long. Dr. said normally he would tell us to start trying cereal but since Kane has already been doing that for a month now he told us we could try veggies. He said he is about at the stage a 3-4 month should be at. He got his shots and boy did he hate that he held his breathe and changed all sorts of colors. The nurse did a great job at doing them quick. He was a little crabby that day but by the next morning was in a really good mood. We did have to switch medication again and are back to 5 doses a day. We go back to the specialist next month. We just can't seem to get his valve to do its job. He seems to be alot happier but is still spitting up like crazy. He usually starts to wimper before he does it so there is some pain there but alot less then before.

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