October 23, 2008

Kane Update

Well it has been a tough couple days. Kane has colic. So every night around 8pm he just starts screaming. It breaks our hearts because he looks like he is in such pain and we can't help him. Sunday night we called the nursery at the hospital around 2am and the lady told me to take his cloths off and have him lay on Chris' chest with his shirt off. It worked like a charm. He slept like that for 5 hours. But Monday night no luck. Monday night after about 3 hours of screaming he wanted to be wrapped up like a burrito and snuggled. That worked great for several hours. Last night neither worked. He liked sitting in his car seat on the washer so Chris is going today to get the vibrating chair. We also did the drive around the country at midnight. Gosh I sure hope it works. 1st time parents should never have a colicky baby because it will be their last. Izzy is funny she sleeps right on the couch next to us and it doesn't even bother her at all that he is screaming. The dogs hate it. Macamoe just hides.
But during the day he is a perfect angel. I still like to just stare at him. He is perfect. Went to the Dr yesterday and both of us are doing good. I am healing up and haven't had to take any pain meds for 2 days now. I just need to realize not to try and do to much. You know when you have. Kane is healthy and doing great.

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