October 31, 2008

Kane Colic

Well after 3 days of screaming and Kane only getting about 2 hours of sleep in 36 hours we took him to the hospital last night to see if there was something else wrong. They said it was just a bad case of colic. We have tried everything they suggested and nothing helps. He hates the vibrating chair, doesn't want skin to skin or being wrapped up tight, tried the gas drops, tried the gripe water and nothing. So I guess we will just have to end up in the nut house. Not a fun way to have a 1st child. But man when he does stop screaming he is absolutely precious. I feel so bad for the little guy. He looks like he is in horrible pain. Hopefully this will pass soon and not drag out for months.

October 28, 2008

1st Walk

Family Visit


Kane is settling in. I don't think he had colic. He has been sleeping about 3-4 hours at a time at night. He just doesn't like to go to sleep. We are learning new tricks. He has had an upset belly. The Dr gave him some special formula. So hopefully this will pass. Mom & Nikki came down for a visit. They left this morning and I was really sad. It is going to be hard raising Kane so far from home. But it was a great visit and we were able to go out to dinner on Saturday while mom babysat.

October 24, 2008


Last night was great. Kane was an angel. Didn't scream at all. So we haven't tried the vibrating chair yet. We are saving it for an emergency. He has been wide awake all day today. I like it when he is alert like this. We have been hanging out while daddy cleans and goes to the store.

October 23, 2008

Kane Bath Time


Kane Update

Well it has been a tough couple days. Kane has colic. So every night around 8pm he just starts screaming. It breaks our hearts because he looks like he is in such pain and we can't help him. Sunday night we called the nursery at the hospital around 2am and the lady told me to take his cloths off and have him lay on Chris' chest with his shirt off. It worked like a charm. He slept like that for 5 hours. But Monday night no luck. Monday night after about 3 hours of screaming he wanted to be wrapped up like a burrito and snuggled. That worked great for several hours. Last night neither worked. He liked sitting in his car seat on the washer so Chris is going today to get the vibrating chair. We also did the drive around the country at midnight. Gosh I sure hope it works. 1st time parents should never have a colicky baby because it will be their last. Izzy is funny she sleeps right on the couch next to us and it doesn't even bother her at all that he is screaming. The dogs hate it. Macamoe just hides.
But during the day he is a perfect angel. I still like to just stare at him. He is perfect. Went to the Dr yesterday and both of us are doing good. I am healing up and haven't had to take any pain meds for 2 days now. I just need to realize not to try and do to much. You know when you have. Kane is healthy and doing great.

October 19, 2008

Kane 1st nap at home

Kane Trip Home



Welcome Kane Anson Haar!

Well our little man is finally here.
Kane Anson Haar
Born Friday October 17th at 10:04 Am.
He weighed in at 9 lbs 3 ozs and 21 inches long.
He looks just like his daddy. Even the nurse said there is no denying who his daddy is. She said usually you can't tell right away but he totally has his chin and nose. Only thing he got from me is long toes.
We had a scheduled c-section for Friday but Thursday night I started having contractions. I thought I was just nervous. But when I got up Friday morning at 5 am my water broke. I was like you have got to be kidding me. So we went into the hospital and started to watch my contractions. I didn't know what to do. So we waited a couple hours for my Dr to get out of surgery. When he came in he looked me over and said I wasn't progressing at all. So we talked it over and decided to go ahead with the c-section. It actually ended up being the right decision. The Dr said I would have had an emergency c-section. Kane was turned the wrong way and his shoulders probably wouldn't have fit. So that was a relief to have made that choice. Once we had made the choice to do the c-section it all went so fast. Except for the mistake I made it saying it was ok for a student to do my catheter and iv. The nurse ended up having to do the iv and help with the catheter. Was really fun. Then I had a minor panic attack in the operating room but really overall the procedure wasn't bad at all. He started crying before they could even get him all the way out. It was such a relief. He got the all clear today. He is a healthy boy. He is so bright eyed. The nurses all comment on how he stays awake so much. He is always looking around. Even after you give him a bottle. You would think he would sleep. But nope he just looks all over. He doesn't like to be laying down. He wants to be up. And he doesn't care for rocking. He likes to be bounced. He didn't cry at all the 1st day. I hope that is a sign of times to come. I would be doing great if it wasn't for the respiratory infection I caught. There is nothing like trying to cough when your belly feels like it is going to pop open. It hurts really bad. But I am getting though it. I was just glad to finally be able to get up on Saturday morning and finally getting to walk around. I told my friend I think the nursery probably thinks Chris is a single dad. He was doing all the communication with them and the nurses. He signed all the forms and would go get him. He got the joy of changing the first diapers also. He is learning. He did such a great job those first days while I couldn't do much. I couldn't ask for a better husband and daddy!

October 12, 2008


Went to Dr. on Thursday. He is still hanging on. I guess he is going to be stubborn like his parents. We are going in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to check his size. A part of me hopes he is big so we can induce and he will be here. The anxiety is getting to Chris and I. Plus I am tired of sleeping on the couch. It is the only place I can get comfy anymore. Chris has been on night shift the last 3 nights and I have a king size bed to myself and I am sleeping on a couch. But it will be worth it in the long run.

Belly for Mom & Rose

October 1, 2008


Chris and I have decided we need to plan the next child a little better. We are going to miss all of the football season. Although I am not missing much since my team is horrible this year. Izzy was fascinated with the TV during the Florida vs Tennessee game. She kept trying to get the ball and the guys running. She is such an entertaining cat but I am worried about when Kane comes. It will be like having two kids around the house. We got her fixed last week and she came home a wild child. I don't know what they did to her at the vet. Chris' team was good until I made him take a parenting/labor class last Saturday and his team lost to a nobody team. It was funny we went on a tour of the labor area and they had a TV on and all of the sudden you see upset alert and guess what it was the Gators! I about died laughing. It was a good class but long. Chris said he is scarred now. He didn't enjoy watching the delivery of the placenta much. Just wait until my labor. HA! I am ready for this to be over. I am having alot of trouble walking because my pelvic bone has separated already. Sometimes it is extremely painful. My Dr. ended up having her baby a month early so we met the new Dr. last week. Not sure we like him much but it is only for 2 more visits. He is a professor and one of the board members at the hospital and he delivered our Dr's baby so I guess he knows what he is doing. Our regular Dr. is just so laid back and easy to talk to. The labor and delivery rooms are really nice at the hospital. It is also the hospital that specializes in women's care for the region. So if there should be any problems we are in good hands.

Our little football cat