September 3, 2008

Kane Update

Went to the doctor last Friday. Everything is looking good. But he is big. He is showing about the size of a 36-37 week baby but I am only 33 weeks. The doctor said we will not go longer then October 23rd. But she thinks he will be here before then. Chris insists that he is coming this month. I think he is getting anxious. If for some reason he isn't here before October 23rd we are going to induce labor. She said I have alot of fluid which is not a good or bad thing but that is why my stomach got so big so fast. She said she saw a big difference in just the last two weeks. The ultrasound was probably one of the coolest ones we have had. You could really see him moving around. The ultrasound tech said he was running somewhere but she wasn't sure where he was trying to go. His little legs were going crazy. Then she tried to do a face profile and he gave her the hand. It was funny. It is getting harder to schedule the appointments around Chris' work schedule but he still hasn't missed an appointment. I love that he is there for all of them and so excited. The visit on Friday he came off night shift and had to go back on night shift so he only got about 3 hours of sleep that day. He was tired but said he was glad he went.

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