June 19, 2008

Baby Update

Had a visit with the Dr. yesterday. Everything is great with Kane. Now Shannon is another story. I have put on 40lbs! I told the Dr. I was getting really fat and she was like you look good. Then she looked at the chart and was like oh my gosh. She told me I put on 40 lbs and I didn't believe her so she showed me the charts. I was like oh man. So last night it was two miles on the treadmill. Kane is moving like crazy. Chris still hasn't been able to feel him because he stops moving when I put his hand on my belly. He was stubborn yesterday when they went to get his heartbeat. He was kicking the microphone thing. But then he finally let them hear his heart and it was good. We go back in a month for an ultrasound and the wonderful diabetes test. Looking forward to drinking that gunk. Did get some disappointing news. My Dr. is pregnant and due two weeks before me. So I am really bummed about that. I love her. But she said she will be there up to the last month of my pregnancy and will be back for my return visits after the baby. She is having a c-section so she knows when she will be out. The Dr. doing her care is one that I may have so I guess if she trusts him it should be ok. Well that is all for now. Gotta go hit the treadmill.

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